Tag Archives: micro$oft bashing
Link dump. Twitter says I have over 1100 favorites, but I can’t find them all, so I’m moving stuff here instead.
- 80 photo manipulations to ignite your creativity
- Microsoft ditches Family Guy special…. for being Family Guy. So, um, M$ wasn’t paying attention before?
- Off the face of the earth, the story of a group of Holocaust survivors in the Ukraine who hid in caves for three years to escape the Nazis. This one is a good read.
- An interview with Mark Holmes, Pixar Graphics guru.
- Just in time for NaNoWriMo, Every ruler who ever lived, back to 1700
- What direction should your ceiling fan be running for winter? (In the “signs I am getting old” category…)
- Five second test helps you test other peoples’ web designs… and each test takes maybe 30 seconds because you’re only allowed to see the web design for 5 seconds. Great to help out developers, also handy to test your own pages.
OK, that’s enough for tonight.
Timing is everything
xkcd – A Webcomic – Estimation.
Truer words have never been spoken.
And to round it all out, this one’s not related to any of the others from this week.

What was the question?

Mac Mojo
Microsoft’s Mac Business Unit has started a blog (or blog set) called Mac Mojo.
I read all the entries this morning and added it to my collection of RSS feeds. It’s a good read – a good look at the people who are making some products for Macs that frankly, make the Macintosh computer a more viable product in the marketplace.
I have to say I’m disappointed, though. A good two thirds of the comments on any given post are people either bitching about the features/products/missing products that are (or aren’t) on the Mac from Microsoft, or are people just calling Microsoft evil from the get-go.
Let’s not kid ourselves. I don’t like Windows. I’ve used every version of Windows since 98, all day every day at work since, well, 1999 at least. Windows drives me out of my mind. And I don’t agree with all of Microsoft’s business practices.
But Office, either for Windows or Mac, is a damn slick application once you shut Clippy off. And Office for Mac hasn’t crashed on me in an insanely long time. And it’s straight-on compatible with the Windows version at work, so I don’t have to go into the office to get stuff done. *
There’s no point in being angry and evil and mouthy and rude when commenting in a blog, even Microsoft’s. I’m disappointed that the Mac community’s voice, so far, has overwhemlingly proven right the incorrect belief that Mac users are a bunch of fanatic loonies.
This is a blog worth watching if you’re interested in the Macintosh, and also one that, if we’re all polite and reasonable in our posting, might actually occasionally effect change in the one place in Microsoft seriously concerned with listening to Mac users – the Mac BU.
* I was one of those folks that was hoping that when the government was muttering about splitting Microsoft, they’d separate Windows from Office. With any luck, Windows would have failed outright and Office would still have flourished.
Where Vista Fails
When someone like me writes a review of Windows Vista, there’s no point in reading it. I don’t like Windows, even though I work with it every day, so I’m not likely to say anything nice about it.
So if someone like Paul Thurrott, who admits to knowing folks at Microsoft and liking them, trashes Vista this badly, all you can say is “ouch”.