This can only end in tears

OK, that’s enough for tonight.
That’s right, perfume based on perfume based on Star Trek the Original Series.
So, for the question of the night: which is more disturbing an idea, smelling like Kirk’s mirror-ego, smelling like a red shirt, or smelling of Pon Farr?
I don’t know what’s scarier about a plastic device that allows women to pee standing up, the fact that it exists at all, the fact that I’ve been in situations where it doesn’t sound like a bad idea, or the fact that they actually use this phrase in the marketing:
Shewee doesn’t just offer equality with men, but is a real and revolutionary device which will change women’s lives.
So wait, the key to gender equality all this time was the ability to use a urinal? Damn, and I thought it was people treating each other with respect and intelligence!