For those of you who like images of decaying urban settings (and I know of at least 3 of you) here’s another set worth your attention.
As for me, pics like this just want me to make these buildings nice and pretty and give them a big hug.
For those of you who like images of decaying urban settings (and I know of at least 3 of you) here’s another set worth your attention.
As for me, pics like this just want me to make these buildings nice and pretty and give them a big hug.
Looks like it came out of Lady Cottington’s Pressed Fairy Book.
Ow, my brain. I think the dumb just sprained it.
Smoke on the Yangtze – video and sound obviously necessary. Warning: will melt your brain.
Ran some software updates over the weekend. We’re now on the latest WordPress. I also fixed the comment preview box (and stuck it above the comment entry box so you can actually see it while you’re typing) fixed the problem where my server had stopped emailing people, turned Subscribe to Comments back on, updated the comment editor, and generally cleaned things up.
I also got about halfway through fixing the Navigate by Category plug-in with significant help from Nighthawk (thank you!) on the SQL.
I downloaded a forum that’s WordPress-based with the vague general intention of integrating it to handle our comments instead of using the article-stype comments, but downloading is as far as I got.
Feel free to babble below!
The Evolution of Tech Companies’ Logos shows the evolution of Nokia, Apple, and Lucky Goldstar’s logos, among others, with a bit of history.
For the first time in my life, I understand why Steve Martin’s jokes eventually make me laugh, but not always immediately. Of course, it won’t make any sense from me (as I can’t tell a joke), so you should hear it from him.