Site clock fixed, forgot I’d have to adjust for this abomination that Congress has impressed upon us.
Category Archives: Ideas (blog)
More on the comic
At about 5:57 this morning I came up with a brilliant and funny idea for the comic, which I was going to crawl back out of bed and post. Then what little common sense I still have woke up and kicked my brain and reminded me that the crap that’s funny at 6am when you’ve been up all night generally isn’t funny.
So instead, you get a closer shot of the pic of JessieDog I painted last weekend. It’s the safer choice, as I’m sure you’ll agree. And maybe if that joke’s still funny this morning (I wrote it down in my phone so I wouldn’t forget it) then you’ll get it by Tuesday.
Assuming I get this blasted project done.
Yes, I know, the comic’s late.
I spent from 3:00 Friday afternoon until now (5:40 Saturday morning) working on a project for work.
Once I take a nap I’ll try to get a comic up. But the work project’s not quite where I need it to be, so it might be slightly after that.
Panda sneeze
Laughing so hard I’m crying. Can’t freaking breathe.
Theocacao: Writing Modern Copy for Product Pages
Theocacao: Writing Modern Copy for Product Pages describes how writing good tight copy that describes explicitly what your product really does gives you an edge
Absurd Entries in the OED: An Introduction To Ammon Shea : OUPblog
This is a fun little article written by someone who just spent a year of his life reading the Oxford English Dictionary.
All dictionaries have mistakes…. The OED is certainly not exempt from this immutable aspect of lexicography – it does have errors, although I like to think that it has less than its fair share. As the entire thing is now being edited I’ve seen those few errors that I noted disappearing from its text. I don’t begrudge the editors their desire to improve the dictionary, and I’m happy to see the errors removed. But there is another type of entry that is also being edited out, and although it makes sense to continue with these removals, I’m saddened to see them go. I am referring to the Absurd Entries.
Pay attention to this one….
Found on Seth’s Blog: Before you buy your next ad…
When your brain locks in on something, especially task-based, it’s difficult to get it to notice anything else. Very interesting thought to keep in mind for design.