Here’s an awesome non-fiction story by Neil Gaimain regarding Christmas trees when he was growing up.
Category Archives: Ideas (blog)
One ISP says RIAA must pay for piracy protection
See, now, this makes sense. I understand the need to protect your intellectual property and your need to protect your copyright, but I also understand the need for the ISPs to stay in business. The RIAA should pay attention to this guy, and start ponying up some dough if they want to poke around in places that are none of their business.
But, what if?
Ah, security questions. I loathe them, because every time I see them I think of scenarios where they don’t work. (Too many years in tech support I guess. Milo could relate, and probably will at some point.) I’ve brought it up in multiple settings, but the usual excuse is that there’s got to be a question or three in the set of eighty kajillion that works for everyone if they just try hard enough. Sigh.
A recent UIE Brain Sparks sums it up nicely. Bonus is comment #10, with the security questions we’d like to see.
A Popping-Good Look at Brand Engagement ยป UIE Brain Sparks
A Popping-Good Look at Brand Engagement talks about a popcorn popper and the ratings it gets on two different websites.
Veeerry interesting. Makes me read reviews a little more closely at good companies.
Beeker sings Ode to Joy
Microsoft: Big Security Hole in All IE Versions
It’s the end of the year, and you probably have a day or two off coming to you. If your family and friends haven’t already booked you solid (not that there’s anything wrong with that), you might want to consider doing yourself a few favors to make sure that next year is a good year:
1. Back up your stuff. I’ve said it again and again, because I’ve been burned myself — have a backup of your most critical stuff, or two backups, preferably with one of them off-site. Hoping and praying with not save your hard drive.
2. Make sure you’re running up-to-date virus protection. It won’t save you in all cases (like this
Big Security Hole in All IE Versions, which most virus apps aren’t even picking up) but it’ll definitely help. If you are using Internet Explorer, consider downloading Firefox or Safari and giving them a whirl instead.
3. Triple-check your statements for credit cards, banks, etc. to make sure that only the stuff you bought for Christmas is on there. Any problems or threats you’re experiencing are easier to fix the sooner you find them. If you’re checking them online, also make sure your chosen companies have accurate email addresses, phone numbers, and mailing addresses so that if something odd does happen, they can actually reach you.
OK, soapbox trip over — for now ;)
How to insult people around the world – or something
OK, so read #10 and tell me if it doesn’t make you question the validity of 1-9.
Because if 10 is valid, I missed a memo.