Just because you bought the biggest collection of authentic Beatles memorabilia, that doesn’t make you a restaurant.

We got in yesterday afternoon around 3 and spent most of the evening doing laundry, watching the Phillies win, and watching the Eagles… do whatever they did, I wasn’t paying attention, the Phillies were on.
Today is food shopping, and then time to go pick up mini-mutt.
It’s Saturday night, and I’m in Virginia Beach.
The drive down was fine, a little hectic, but that’s to be expected when you’re driving past 300 miles of other people’s beaches to get to yours. All things considered, it was nothing.
When we arrived there were some bumps and bruises. We’ve booked a room with a jacuzzi, but somehow our hotel of choice overbooked (or rather, someone neglected to check out) and we were bumped to a larger room, but with two double beds. That didn’t work for us (plus the shower curtain rail was busted off) and we made our disappointment well known. Fortunately, someone who was in a jacuzzi room checked out about two hours after we got here, and we’re finally settled in our room.
The weather is beautiful and there are people out in the ocean right now below us, but before we can hit the water we’ve got to do things like eat dinner. Right now we’re getting unpacked and organized and we’re listening to the Phillies game online via the high-speed connection. They’re up 8-0 in the 1st 2nd inning. Can’t complain about that. :)
My cousin flew in last night and we went to my parents’ for dinner. Had lots of cheeseteak and hoagies and such, and a very good time. We went home and crashed at my place.
This morning we got up around nine-ish, packed, packed the car, and my cousin and I drove the six and a half (I was taking my time and we stopped for lunch) hours from Pennsylvania to Virginia Beach. It was very very foggy through Delaware, and patchy all the way through the first branch of the Chesapeake Bay Bridge/Tunnel. We went down the first tunnel, came back up, and aha! there is in fact a sun in the sky.
We pulled into the hotel around 5:30 this evening and found a parking spot across from the Oscar Meyer Weinermobile that’s touring all the local military bases. Yes, we got pictures. No, I can’t post them – they’re on my cousin’s camera and besides, I forgot the card reader.
Anyway, we tried to check in, but the folks in front of us had asked to be reserved in this hotel, and they’d been told they’d been reserved at this address, but they were actually reserved in the Fairfield Inn a few blocks down, and while there were rooms here that they could book, very easily, they had to go through Reservations to use their rewards certificate for a free stay…. yadda yadda yadda…. anyway, I’m pretty sure they worked it out because I’m pretty sure the woman from the party was down in the hot tub later… but that’s getting ahead of myself.
So after about a half hour we checked in, came upstairs, deposited our stuff, and immediately walked out to the beach. It was the first time Plantnerd had seen the Atlantic in about ten years, so touching it – even just with our fingertips – was required.
We then walked up about four blocks to my aunt’s house, met up with my aunt and uncle, and we joined my aunt on a walk along the beach with Moose, their massive Irish setter. Upon returning, we drove out to the Twysted Fish where we were treated to wonderful seafood.
When we got back to the hotel, we hit the hot tub for about a half an hour, and that knocked the knots out of my back. I’ve done more driving than I’ve done in a very long time (if ever) and I’ve done more walking than I’ve done in weeks, and I’m full, happy, and exhausted.
–and I miss my husband something awful, but, you know, I kind of expected that.
Tomorrow: whale watching (hopefully) and more hanging out with relatives. Cool!
I was going to post a lot more tonight – on comics, on life, on how I’m continually baffled by the power of music – but I took two Tylenol Sinus Nighttime about an hour ago and not only can I now breathe, but I can barely hold my head up. Ah, sweet sleep! I long for your embrace!
So you lot are getting the short-short version.
First: I’ve updated the Daily Comic List to include some new comics, including the incredible Anywhere But Here. I also threw in some new blogs I’m reading, and threw a bunch of old favorites down into the “sporadically updating” category because they all *said* they’d be back after the holidays, but they’re not yet….
Second: I found the song “Storybook Love” from Princess Bride on iTunes over the weekend. It’s not the version from the soundtrack, but it’s the same artist.
And let me just say for the record that yes, the lyrics for the song are stupid as shit, and yet, I’m left in a puddle of romantic ooze every time I hear them.
Third: Forum. Updated code. Running better. Feel free to check it out.
Forth: I’m going to Virginia Beach over Martin Luther King Day. I’ve got one of the two comics staged, other will go up this weekend. Lots of plans for the comic, including a new character (NOT a freaking dragon) who needs to have the most vanilla boring name I can come up with. Feel free to post suggestions on the forum… somewhere… to tired to go make a thread right now.
‘K, that’s it, go to bed. thanks!