How did I miss posting xkcd’s metric conversion charts when they went up?
Thanks for the reminder, peri-renna!
How did I miss posting xkcd’s metric conversion charts when they went up?
Thanks for the reminder, peri-renna!
Chart Porn: Create Your Own Original Star Trek Story using one kick-ass flow chart.
The Last Question — Isaac Asimov – one of my favorites.
I’m posting a link to this New York Times tool because a) it’s well done and easily understood, b) it’s interactive, and c) I need to learn how to do stuff like that.
It’s been a very busy but very good weekend, filled with family and football and organizing the house, puppies and snow and Outback Steakhouse.
And I’m lying here in bed at 11:30 pm knowing that I have to get up at 6 to make it to an 8:30 meeting.
There are a lot of things I could be fussing over – the project I’m on at work, the lack of training the two mutts have gotten & how they’re going to tear the house apart again tomorrow, the fact that all my drawing sucks lately…
But instead, I’m curled up with my head on my husband’s chest, his arms around me, and I listen to him breathe, and I think, “I hope River Tam is OK.”
Yes, River, from the TV show Firefly. At the end of Serenity, everything had been turned upside down. I found myself wondering who was still after River, and re-running all the events of the series in my head to see if she had the tools to cope. Is she OK? What’s happened?
It may be worth noting that I have watched neither Firefly nor Serenity in at least 6 months, and I haven’t even been listening to the soundtrack. There is no good, logical, or relevant reason to be worrying about the fate of someone else’s fictional characters at 11:30 pm when I should be sleeping.
So now I’m lying here trying to clear my head in hope that the sandman arrives soon, and he doesn’t bring any other fictional guests with him.
I was playing The Sims 2 (again), and caught something odd, which I used the in-game video to capture… but the quality sucks and the conversion to Youtube didn’t do it any favors.
Anyway, if you’ve ever wondered how to fix a bathtub/shower combo that’s leaking all over creation, here are the steps:
1. Become a professional handyman.
2. Drive to your client’s house.
3. Beat on the offending fixtures with a wrench while yelling in Sim-ese.
4. Charge $50+ for the service.
Now, like said, the video is extremely short, but this actually went on for at least 30 full seconds — if it happens again I’ll definitely catch better video!
Want. Especially the see-through fridge.
The rest of the site may be NSFW.