Because once you’ve found a home, you should welcome everyone else to it.
Category Archives: Ideas (blog)
Go Northeast
The vast majority of you are geeky enough to enjoy today’s 365 tomorrows .
Yay! Baseball!
Nighthawk and I are in the car heading to Citizen’s Bank Park for the last on-deck game before the regular season begins. This makes me extremely happy.
It’s almost sunny and very windy today, but the temp should stay in the 50’s so if our 100-level seats are in the sun we should be pretty OK. I’m all decked out in my Phillies sweatshirt and Phillies jacket just in case. Will grab pictures on my phone if I get a chance.
Gotta navigate us around a traffic jam now. Will post more later.
SeatGuru Airline Seating Chart
I wish I’d’ve known about SeatGuru the last few times I’ve flown… could’ve gotten a seat with power in Coach!
Earth Hour 2009 – The Big Picture
Click the photos to see each one fade from “on” to Earth Hour.
20 ridiculous complaints made by holidaymakers – Telegraph
Booking your vacation? Please engage your brain before leaving — something these folks clearly forgot to do.
Geek rankings
I linked to this geek chart years and years ago, but that link seems to have long passed.
What’s ironic is that we were just discussing this — “we” being a couple of guy friends at work and “this” being geek rankings — while eating sushi at the local hibachi for lunch the other day.
The problem, I’m told, is that I simply can’t exist. I hit too many of the categories — even if I don’t do so at full depth — to possibly exist.
So just to see if they’re right, I colored the blocks that apply to me:
…And really, I don’t think it’s that bad.
Well, except that this chart doesn’t mention my blog, nine email addresses, programming hobbies, photoshop contests on Fark, collection of original soundtracks for video games, three Twitter accounts, ability to gut and rebuild either a Mac or (in most cases) a PC without hesitation, or the fact that I’m knitting three different things with assistance from knitting apps on my iPhone.
Of course, it’s not those things that my geeky friends claim threw me over the edge.
It’s the fact that I’m also a rabid baseball fan, accomplished do-it-yourself-er, and and I regularly bake pies from scratch. That’s where they say I’ve maxed out my geek card.
I’m pretty sure I exist.