Two quick points:

Point a: I did a brain dump / cleanout of my bookmarks for comic production and stuck everything in the new “tools for drawing” tools for comics page you see over there to the right left. Take a gander if you’re interested. I’ll probably add to it regularly because even right now I know there’s stuff I forgot to put on there.

Point b: Comic art quality’s about to take a drop again. Remember back in March when I’d just finished the Longest Night of the Summer strips and I announced an art shift because it was just taking too damn long to make each strip? Well, I’m at that point again — I need to build the buffer back up, and not just with IoI comics. So in order to produce comics slightly faster we’re going to take a planned quality hit.

Someday when I’m rich and famous I’ll go back and redraw them to look nicer. Don’t hold your breath until that occurs.

Thanks to Jzimbert for pointing out I don’t know my right from my left after midnight


I saw today’s comic on a PC today, and wow, is it dark. Sorry ’bout that, I’ll try to color test on the PC before publication next time…and if you have access to a Mac you really should check it out there. Much more blue.

Speaking of dark, I’ve got a script for saturday’s comic – sort of – and a start on the storyboard, but one of my models is busy sleeping on the sofa and refuses to go pretend to eat so I can take pictures of her. Mangy mutt ;) Maybe tomorrow. Tonight my throat hurts, so I’m going to bed. But be forewarned that Saturday’s comic is currently behind schedule.

Two steps forward…

So, Tuesday’s comic (a semi-serious one, for a change) is in the queue. That’s 36 hours before it needs to be there. That’s progress.

I have three half-sketched comics in my sketchbook now, which is also progress, except that my ages-old scanner is not Mac OS X Tiger compatible, so I’ve kinda stalled.

Today I’m going swimsuit shopping, and maybe to go get a new scanner. Otherwise a new scanner’s going on order tonight.

I’ve decided not to work on the website redesign until the queue is a bit more robust. It’ll give me a chance to mull over the CSS issues, too.

State of the Site Report

So here we are.

I’ve got all but 20 of the comics moved over into the new system, and I’m not going to move the blog posts from the last year over at all. (Well, except the ones I already moved.)

Navigation’s fairly straightforward – use the categories to the left to narrow down your viewing pleasure. (Want to see just the comics? Click “comics”. Just GOMH? Click “get outta my head”. Just the blog posts? click “ideas”. You get it.)

There’s a help link in the “pages” area that I’ll be glad to fill out as time goes on.

Archives read newest to oldest, just like the old one, which might take a little getting used to for the comics, but I’m sure it’ll work out.

If you prefer an RSS feed, make sure to check it out – it’s in that left nav thing. And one of my projects is to transcribe all the comics somehow so that the “search” will bring up searches against them as well.

Comments? Well, comments are my last big project to overtake – somehow this winter I hope to wire something into WordPress that will automatically create a forum thread when I post a new post, but that’s nowhere near even the beginning of development, forget the end.

My “to do” list:

  • Move the FAQ and Cast Pages over to the new design
  • Move any other straggling pages over to the new design
  • Clean up any straggling design issues.
  • Anything else I think of.

Birthday Weekend Update

A quick review:

  • Awesome birthday party Saturday night, much good food, much good company.
  • Great time with my family Sunday night celebrating family birthdays and Father’s Day.
  • Work today, a long-ish day, but survivable.


  • Homework, then work on my super-secret project.
  • Changes to the Sites page to catch it up as well.


  • Off. Sleep. Maybe some drawing. Probably mostly homework.