Halloween is so soothing

Okay, story time!
Back in late January or early February, my cousin was in a car accident which resulted in the airbag deploying. (She was and is fine.) That event was the inspiration for today’s comic, which I finished drawing by oh, roughly the middle of February.
But I really felt that using a joke like this against my characters required some kind of background — what the hell would’ve happened that would have resulted in an airbag going off? Well, longtime readers know that I hit a deer back in November of ’04, and though the only thing that exploded in my case was the deer’s ass (it shat on my car. the nerve.), a slightly larger deer and a slightly heavier lead foot on my part may have caused an airback deployment… so around June I got enough fragmented pieces of a plan together to actually start this arc… which was somewhat inconvenient considering that I’d started a different arc back in May that still stands unfinished.
We’ll get back to that. I promise. But since it took Marin 140 days of our time to get through just over 12 hours of her time, I think it’s time we give the poor girl a rest.
Besides, I have a Halloween comic to run (a day early, on Monday, at that!), and maybe some Jesus-in-a-box stuff… you know, brain stretch for a bit.
Anyway, this may very well be one of the longest set-up-to-punchline time spans in horrible-amateur comics. Hope you enjoyed it as much as I did.
If you’d like to load sumo wrestling, or any other of hundreds of games, onto your calculator, ticalc.org is the place to go. They’re pretty damn cool. For example, here’s the full animated demo of Sumo Wrestling:
Just don’t play in English class. I know at least one of you has a teacher who’ll remember me if you say where you got the idea.