some NSFW language
Category Archives: Ideas (blog)
Here’s another genius in government.
I love my state.
PennDOT Engineering District 5 spokesman Ronald J. Young Jr. said the evidence showed someone tampered with the sign.
Well, no shit Shirlock, the sign hasn’t decided to start moonlighting for extra batteries on its own.
Federal and state taxes – done
2 loads of laundry – done
Bills – done
Usability testing screens for monday – done
Wireframes – as done as they get until I corner my co-workers monday
Food shopping – done thanks to Nighthawk
Comic for Saturday – done, late, but done
Brunch and dinner – done
Now, maybe I should sleep.
Paula Deen Is Trying to Kill Us, Part 4
If you have a weak heart or high cholesterol, this monstrosity will likely kill you. Weak stomachs need not apply
Another chart joke for you
…In case you haven’t guessed, I’m catching up on my internet today.
The Straight Dope on pi
A little late for pi day (yesterday) but still amusing… The Straight Dope: Did a state legislature once pass a law saying pi equals 3?
Acid Tests
If your browser can’t pass at least level 2 of the Acid Tests, maybe it’s time to consider a new browser. Like, ohIdunno, Firefox, or Safari, or hey, I hear the IE 8 beta’s actually finally passing…