Not just wintergreen life savers

So I’m lying in bed in a pitch dark room listening to the dogs settle, and a little flash catches my attention. After the third grey light dented the darkness, I peered over the edge of my mattress.

Chance was “fluffing” the blankets in his bed that he was building up a static charge between the fuzzy bed, the wooly-feeling dig blanket, and the terrycloth towel he’s recently decided he owns. And the more he got zapped, the harder he fluffed the bed.

I finally removed the blankets – discharging them through my fingers, I might add – and he wetted settled when I re-covered him.

But if he’s smoking in the morning, I’ll know why…

*updated to fix iphone-induced misspelling.

Not your everyday sky

I’m still checking the news on a regular basis to see if any of the local channels pick up the funny white glow the sky took on earlier this evening. I say “funny” because it looked like it was made up of perfectly vertical white streaks of varying brightness, and that’s not normal around here.

I’m almost sure that it was a rare sighting (for this far south) of the Aurora Borealis. Granted, when we do see the northern lights it’s almost always at this time of year — probably because of the extremely clear air, the fact that we’re closer to the sun, and that we’re tilted to get as much dark as possible, so there’s more time to catch the magnetic pole’s freak show.

Or maybe the universe just wants me to freeze my hands off.

The epilogue to the last post

My legs ached for about four days after the fire alarm at the hotel, which didn’t surprise me at all because my body’s not real hot on workouts without stretches, especially adrenaline-fueled workouts.

But when I realized that my muscles were all feeling pretty good and my hip joint was actually getting worse, I thought maybe I might have to see a doctor. And when I realized that I couldn’t comfortably put my own socks on in the morning and I needed Nighthawk’s help, he decided I did in fact need a doctor.

So I’m seeing an orthopedist now, who believes I screwed up my back and it’s in turn screwing with the nerves that run into my hip. He sent me to an excellent physical therapist who agrees, and says my sacroiliac joint has gone all wonky (though obviously not in those words. And I tell you that just because sacroiliac is such a fun word to say (or type).

But sitting at a desk (especially when I get paid to do so all day every day) is no picnic, and it’s forced me to ration comic and posting time. I need the strength to spend at work. Fortunately, the internet is still overflowing with idiocy, so we will still have some kind of update whenever I can sit at the computer. Like tonight.

Only now I’m all achy again, so goodnight.