
The bedroom is dark except for the light shining off the iPhone screen. Dog snores waft up from the sides of the bed, and the heater clanks a bit.

Outside the window, the sky is orange and grey. I can almost make out the branches of the Japanese maple as they sag from the weight of the falling snow. The snowfall is silent, though the window screens’ buildup tells me the wind is blowing.

I know the orange light is pollution from the local schools and businesses. I know that it should be dark as coal. I know in the morning I’ll curse the snow & the havoc it causes in my life, but right now I can only stare into winter’s faded orange blanket and hope that everyone else is as safe and warm.

So. Freaking. Hot.

When most folks get sick, their temperature goes up. When I catch something effective (more than allergies or a light cold) my temperature goes down.

So when I do run an honest-to-God fever I usually feel cold, and get the chills. On the other hand on nights like tonight, it is so freaking hot I’m going to melt. At least, that’s what my skin tells me. The thermometer says I’m 96 degrees. Somebody’s lying, that’s for sure, because this house is never hot.

Going to try to sleep this one off, assuming I can sleep. It’s like August in here.

Everything old is new again

When I was young, I set up my father’s record player in my bedroom, with his old drawing table, and I painted watercolors on any piece of paper that made the mistake of being in range while listening to Peter Paul and Mary, the soundtrack to 1776, the Kingston Trio, and occasionally some of his other stuff.

Tonight, I’m home alone, listening to Peter Paul and Mary and the Kingston Trio while drawing comics on a Wacom tablet with a surface about the size of the paper I used to paint.

It’s a good way to be.

The Crisis of Credit Visualized

The Crisis of Credit Visualized does a great job of giving a visualization to the current credit crisis. The description is a little too simplistic, but it’s one of the few I’ve seen that doesn’t point fingers and stays balanced.

(If you think finger pointing is necessary you might see that as a flaw. On the other hand it’s nice to talk about this stuff without seeing the phrase “fucking [name political party here]” on there.)

Worth a look, even if only for the excellent display of difficult concepts visually.