It’s Monday and the living is easy

Yesterday was Easter and I didn’t get around to putting up a Happy Easter message, so Happy Easter! Of course, April 2nd was the beginning of Passover and I neglected that as well, so Happy Passover! And Happy Equinox back in March. There, I think I’m caught up.

We spent the day at Nighthawk’s family’s Easter dinner and had a darn good time.

Today is the last of my 4 days off, so I’m trying to make it a full sweep of accomplished things on days off. Or something. My writing brain is clearly on vacation. I spent most of the weekend cleaning out the master closet so it could be painted and remodeled with non-1970’s-shelving, but it’s slow going. Fortunately my little sister came over Saturday and helped me with the big stuff, and we’re most of the way to where we need to be to get it started.

I’ve also been slowly finding and fixing locations where Night Fugues is still listed as Get Outta My Head, both on my own site and on the ‘net in general, so if you spot any, let me know.

And just as an experiment, I’m going to open up commenting to non-registered folks for a while to see how much spam and or idiocy we collect. If it’s abundant, I’ll go back to registration only, but well, it’s worth a shot.

Today I’m running laundry (all the clothes coming out of the closet, of course) and puttering around the house. Will work on comics tonight I think. I could get used to this staying at home and accomplishing crap thing, if only someone’d pay me for it. Ah well.

Anyway, it’s frequent forumgoer and now commenter Jamie’s birthday, so feel free to wish him well here (happy birthday, goofball!), whilst I go salvage my lunch from the overzealous toaster oven.

Thank goodness for a long weekend.

Work was, well, long. Very very long. But I managed to get a few last-minute items handled before coming home.

I came home to a sick husband, who’s caught some kind of cold/respiratory thing. Exhausted and achy myself I’m not sure I really did a very good job of taking care of him today. For that matter, I didn’t do much for myself, either.

The forum upgrade’s required a few small tweaks, plus WordPress came out with a security update that I needed to install, but everything’s been successful so far. A few quick notes I forgot to mention before:

  • When you register and post a comment, it sits in the moderation queue until I approve it. After that, so long as you don’t do anything to piss off the spam filter, your comments display immediately.
  • I’ll probably eventually (maybe even shortly) start putting a “babble” thread up every day or two so folks can babble to each other even if I’m not actively posting.
  • See the RSS and Comments RSS links in the left nav bar? If you want to keep up with the comments, those will give you overall views of what’s going on here, and each thread has its own specific comments RSS feed as well that you can check.

Anyway, I’m off until Tuesday so I’m hoping to relax, draw some comics, and gut a closet. And yell at the snow. And the Phillies. And maybe sleep now. Goodnight!

Where does the time go?

Someone asked me the other day what I do when I say I didn’t do anything a given weekend or evening. Well, there’s…

  • writing or drawing the comic
  • working on the Online Comics Day 2007 site
  • working on this site
  • reading comics
  • reading books about drawing comics
  • knitting
  • playing Final Fantasy 12
  • cursing at the laptop because it froze up
  • taking walks with my husband
  • date night
  • playing Final Fantasy 3
  • reading my email
  • hanging out on the forum
  • playing with the pudge dog
  • playing Solitare Til Dawn
  • watching Nighthawk play Oblivion
  • baseball!
  • and I’m sure a bunch of other stuff I’ve forgotten.

So my apologies that I haven’t been around much… some of this stuff will be dropping off the list as I either finish it or lose interest again. The comic and the blog aren’t going away, just sometimes I get quiet.

Oh, and Websnark updated today. Yay!

This post rambles. I have a bad headache and Tums are my friend.

Speaking of friends, one friend pulled me aside recently to ask whether I was offline more often because he’d done something to offend me. That’s not it — I just want to spend more time with my husband than with the computer. I’m sure I’ll have upticks in online time again sometime in the future, but I’m not sure I’ve hit my low point in this downtick yet, so don’t take it personally if I’m not on the forum or on IM after work. It’s just, well, I love him enough to have married him, so he gets first dibs on my time.

And speaking of Nighthawk, another friend pulled me aside recently to ask whether the current cancer comics indicate that Nighthawk’s health is in flux again. That’s an emphatic no. He’s doing very well — the cancer’s undetectable which means there’s a good chance it’s gone altogether, and everything else is good.

So why the cancer comics? Because a) even though he’s doing very well, I find I work through major emotional stuff best by writing, and what better topic than the item that kicked all this off? and b) there isn’t a whole lot out there on thyroid cancer. It’s a pretty rare cancer, and if we can pass on anything we learned to someone else who experiences it, that’s a good thing, to me.

But (and this should be obvious) this isn’t an autobiographical journal comic any more than Real Life is a purely autobiographical journal comic. “Inspired by occasional true events” is accurate. “Details what actually happened to me” is not. 90% of the stuff in the comic is crap I made up.

Milo’s a good example — none of the alien life forms I work with are that short.

It’s past my bedtime, and I’m not going to get the comic I was working on finished tonight. Tomorrow maybe.

Tomorrow’s date night with more Firefly. Yay!

I also created a new teeshirt design. Check it out by clicking that big store talk bubble up there in the top right corner. If you can’t tell which one’s the new one, you haven’t visited the store enough. ;)

Well, goodnight!

And we’re back again.

For the second time this month we sustained a significant outage – this time around 22 hours sans website. I am growly and looking into ways to prevent further outages. Any suggestions will be entertained. The post I did make from the emergency blog’s been copied in below, and all else is pretty much stable, I think. And of course, I’m backing up all my stuff just in case.

Outside of that, though, things are good. All my stuff is wrapped. Nighthawk’s finishing his wrapping. Dinner’s in the oven. JessieDog is frolicking with the squirrels in the yard. Life is good.

One last site-based note: there’s an advertising hole on the homepage here and another advertising hole on the archive pages (click the title of the above comic to see ’em). If you haven’t checked out Project Wonderful yet to see how this works, you need to, but here’s the quick jist: you sign up, you indicate that you want to advertise on my site in that empty hole, and you say how much you want to pay per day maximum. If you indicate you want to pay $0 and you’re the highest bidder, that’s free advertising. (Same goes for any of the already-taken slots). In fact, if you indicate you want to pay $0.10 per day and nobody’s bid on the slot, you still get it for free. Free’s good, right?

Anyway, got to go eat dinner. Glad to be back. Happy holidays!

A bit more upbeat

Today we rediscovered the world of processed food. Saltines, it turns out, are the world’s greatest food when you haven’t been allowed to have anything pre-salted in three weeks. Steak sandwiches and pierogis have also hit the menu. There is no baking taking place in the kitchen tonight. The stew does not have to be inspected six times over. I find myself putting all the Kosher foods away on the first night of Hanukkah. I consider us paid up throught Lent of 2050 on the giving up of food things.

And it’s the weekend, which means that even though I still haven’t done anything to prepare for Christmas, I’ve got a shot at it. For the first time in over 13 years, it’s 10 days before Christmas and my husband has done more shopping than I have. Things Must Be Rectified.

I’m still exhausted, but it’s the exhausted of someone who sees the light of home on the horizon — of things returning to normalcy — of delivery people and pre-roasted chickens and potatoes from a box and eggs that come in shells and bread that comes pre-sliced. In a few more days the dog will be underfoot again and maybe, just maybe, we’ll find time to put the tree up.

I’ve declared myself a firm disbeliever in radiation, though as with anyone in an interfaith relationship I’ve promised to respect Nighthawk’s belief in subatomic particles. I stole a hug yesterday, and will steal another one yet tonight. I can smile again.