A wrench and a bat are both tools, but not interchangable

But it's a nice suit!

This is the beginning of a story arc, the majority of which was written and illustrated a while ago, but I realized almost too late that I didn’t have enough background going to pull it off. Even now I wonder, but as today’s comic is already 47 minutes late, I’ll worry about it later. Like, tomorrow or something.

Happy Webcomics Awareness Day 2005!

Happy Webcomics Awareness Day!

May 5 is Webcomics Awareness Day (as well as Cinco de Mayo), so I created an extra-big special strip for the event. It’s also our 50th strip, an accomplishment in and of itself.

If you’re stopping by for the first time, welcome! Pull up a chair! Stop by the forum! Make yourself at home!

If you’re one of our regulars, make sure to stop by the Online Comics Day website and check out some of the hundreds of other webcomics out in the world.

anne gibson (kirabug)