Oh, wow, I ache.

Today, we moved back into the master bedroom we started remodeling over two years ago. I know it was over two years ago because I comicked about putting the floor in. Moving back in meant buying a new mattress, new sheets, new boxspring, drastic but fruitless attempts to buy lamps and drapes, and moving everything into the room, which turned out to be a much bigger task than expected and involved going up and down the stairs way too often.

Tomorrow I pray my feet don’t hurt nearly as much as they do right now because, well, I have martial arts and that would suck.

Food goes bad when?

The ‘best before’ challenge … One man boldly goes beyond the use-by dates on his food

British, not American, dates, but I suspect the theory still stands on this side of the pond. There are a lot of conversations in my house about the difference between “when in doubt, throw it out” and “for God’s sake, it’s fine, eat it.” One thing that they don’t mention here are leftovers — which definitely don’t hold up anywhere near as well as the food when it arrives from the supermarket.