Obviously, new site design. Please comment below :)
More stuff coming, but I’m fighting with it. It flat-out isn’t working as designed.
Obviously, new site design. Please comment below :)
More stuff coming, but I’m fighting with it. It flat-out isn’t working as designed.
My Life In a Cube :: So Depressing It’s Almost Funny via… ummm…. Unshelved via the author of Girls With Slingshots, so you know it’s gotta be good.
Do bohk + sunburn + sparring = pain. I think I’ll be sure to lather up in sunscreen for the rest of my life.
There’s an old family story on my dad’s side about someone who sent their spouse to work with a turnip and mayonnaise sandwich.
The cookbook that Dawn from Because I Said So found would probably publish such a beast. It’s got some pretty odd recipes itself.
(says the girl who makes open-faced tuna melts on hash browns….)
Thanks to ideaphile greymutt for pointing this one out:
My mom just pointed out how everyone was staring at me instead.
Still, as a mom, I think if I were fed up enough I might give this a shot. I can throw one hell of a tantrum ;)
OK, so for the past few days when I try to start the car, the key won’t turn in the ignition. Oh, it will eventually, but I’ve got to waggle the wheel back and forth, jiggle the key around, curse, etc. Today I finally lost patience, called Nighthawk and said, “Meet me at CJ’s, we’re taking this thing in.”
He replied, “OK, and hey, by the way, my sunroof won’t close and we’re supposed to get torrential rains tonight.”
My car is currently in the shop. My husband’s car has a trash bag taped to the roof to keep the rain out. We have to carpool tomorrow on a night that I have martial arts which means much driving around with the broken-sunroof car. It’s looking like a beautiful week.
Well, except to say that I hosed the embedding for Mac users, so I apologize. If anyone with a clue has any idea how I hosed it, please mention solution on the comments.