We’ll miss you, George.

Carlin’s the kind of guy I disagreed with in at least 2/3rds of all the cases and statements he spewed during a stand-up routine. It might’ve been more than 2/3rds but I was laughing so hard at the bits I disagreed with that I couldn’t hear the rest.

Outside of paternal influence, he was probably the first time I’d heard filthy language, and he was almost assuredly — with Dennis Leary — one of the first times I’d heard “fuck” used as a noun, verb, exclamatory, etc. etc. by someone who obviously had a brain in their head and wasn’t just cursing to piss someone off.



Here’s hoping that wherever you are, George, you’ve got a comfy chair and a good view — and that we’re all able to prove you wrong.

A few quick notes because the dryer’s almost done

Note 1: if you’ve registered and you’re a frequent commenter and you’ve noticed that your avatar isn’t working anymore, it’s because I switched from a cumbersome and annoying avatar system to the gravatars built into WordPress’s core. (Note: your old avatar will still work if I switch back to an old template… at least until I nuke all the old templates.)

To sent up a new avatar, go to this website and set up an avatar with an email address that matches the address you’re using here. (Your profile is here to check your contact info.) It take 15 mins or so for the system to catch up, but after that the avatar you have set up will work not only here but most other WordPress and similar blog sites.

(We’re taking avatars rated R and under if I remember correctly, so make sure to rate your image appropriately.)

Note 2: If you haven’t registered and you want to comment regularly (or even sporadically) with some assurance that I’m not going to zap your comment as spam, use the Register link in the top right corner. It’s a really good idea to comment not long after you’ve registered so I don’t nuke you as registration spam either.

Note 3: I hate laundry.

Note 4: The avatar isn’t the only change on the site that hasn’t been completed yet, but I’m not tipping my hand to the rest yet.

Note 5: the key lime pie cheesecake was delicious.

Note 6: Congratulations to Eric and Wednesday Burns-White on their successful knot-tying!

Note 7: I have too many clothes.

There’s the dryer buzzer, off I go.

WAVE – Web Accessibility Evaluation Tool

Now here’s a nifty tool!

WAVE – Web Accessibility Evaluation Tool

WAVE is a free web accessibility evaluation tool provided by WebAIM. It is used to aid humans in the web accessibility evaluation process. Rather than providing a complex technical report, WAVE shows the original web page with embedded icons and indicators that reveal the accessibility information within your page.

Finally, a quick way to see exactly how badly your poorly-designed website is getting mangled by screen readers.