Should’ve become a rock hound.

It’s likely to be a “many mini-posts” kind of day for me. So far, everything I’ve read on my Daily Comic List has made me want to go, “Ooh! Read!”.

I have that problem a lot with Schlock Mercenary. But then, nothing makes me happier than a plot-heavy space opera with science lessons scattered in for good measure. Today’s a bonus: it’s on earthquakes.

Makes me wonder what I’d be doing for a living if I’d’ve signed up for a geology course in my junior year of college instead of computer science.

Bonus goofiness

So I’m in a training class for Visio today… I’ve learned a lot, but any time you’re learning computer stuff as a group, it’s a slow process. Which means lots of down-time, mostly in 30-second intervals.

So that means I’ve been hanging out on the forum, of course, and Jzimbert dared me to make a comic in Visio while I was at it… which of course I had to do.

Now the king of shape-based art IMHO is Paul Gadzikowski, who draws Arthur, King of Time and Space (in the much more challenging-to-use MS Paint, no less) where the comic character King Arthur draws his own comic, which is shape-based.

So you can count this as a tribute to AKOTAS as well as a “Ha! I can do that!” to the forum crowd ;)

visio comic

And, dammit, I’m awake again.

So I slept from just after three to just after 8:30 if you excuse the five or so minutes I was groggy in the middle of the night when Nighthawk let the dog out. At 8:30 she decided she wanted to be awake and outside, so I got up with her and tried to nap on the sofa. Failed, but at least it was a try.* Meanwhile said dog just came in, and she’s snoring on the sofa.

I’m trying not to be angry that the dog’s asleep when I’m awake, since I wanted to be asleep when she was awake. I might just wake her up three or four times today just for the sheer evil fun of it.

Just read through my morning comic trawl and now I’m debating whether to launch into homework or make a food shopping list. Maybe I’ll work on the site design, or maybe I’ll work out. If I work out, maybe I’ll fall asleep by 6 tonight. That might be fun. I might even get tired enough that way to sleep on this sofa.

*to all the guests I ever subjected to this horrible-for-sleeping sofa, I offer abject apologies. This thing’s only comfortable for sleeping if you’re running a fever of 102 and can’t move from the exhaustion anyway.


In Dalton Sharp’s livejournal, he posted a nifty drawing that requested that those who read it respond by drawing what they’d like to do with him.

my response is thusly:

learn learn learn learn...

Dalton’s running a pretty darned cool comic / sequential art piece in his livejournal – make sure to check it out.

comic tomorrow may be late – 1.5 of 3 panels complete, picnic in 2 hours, fireworks at 10:00, currently: sinus headache the size of kentucky.