Tag Archives: science
Comics that teach, and other interesting items
- An interesting view of why this author won’t be seeing The Last Airbender that makes me think maybe I won’t either.
- The facts in the case of Andrew Wakefield, which tells the story of how some folks came to believe that autism is caused by vaccinations.
- This picture cracks me up. (Pic is SFW but the rest of the site – including the ads – might not be. You’re warned.)
- Three Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal comics worth reading:
- This is some wild and crazy art by Boris Artzybasheff, which I thought was really cool
OK, that’s good for now.
Science is a process
“You are entitled to your own opinion, but you’re not entitled to your own facts.” – Michael Specter
Buttersafe – The stages of binary fission
What happens to fish when lightning strikes the ocean?
Inquiring minds at work wanted to know.
Science Netlinks has one of about a dozen answers on the web, most of which seem to say this too.
Pesky crystals can only be built one way.

Games as production
For you science geeks out there, here’s an article on using games to solve real-world problems which links to a protein-folding game.