In other news

We figured out what was wrong with the home phone – the plug had somehow disconnected itself from the wall. The difference between Thursday (when I worked) and yesterday (when I was off) was actually having the time to check the wall plug. (And even then I take too much credit – Nighthawk found and corrected the problem.)

Comics are queued up through May 9, which means I can concentrate on other projects for about a week before I dive back into that. I have a good comfortable 5-strip buffer right now and I want to maintain at least that. If somehow I can write another 5 strips next weekend we’ll really be cooking with gas.

The Phils were rained out and the Flyers lost. The crowd in the Buffalo Sabres arena won no bonus points with me by getting all ramped up and cheering when we had a man down on the ice. If Philly fans did that, it’d be all over the sports newswire tomorrow – I hope ESPN and the like play fair and point out Buffalo’s behavior as well.

We’re supposed to get thunderstorms tomorrow (er, today). I like that.

I’ve reached the point of tired where my fingers look fascinating. In fact, they feel kind of numb. Maybe a marathon comic session wasn’t the best of plans.

Tax season is over!


Now that tax season is done (for everyone except six lunatic states that are ending it today), there’s the gradual slowdown at work, and a chance to breathe. Less overtime means more comic. Got one up on time today – and a fairly lame-duck one up for Saturday. (You’ll either love it or hate it. Probably hate it. I think it’s hilarious.) Scripts are starting to flow inside my pathetic brain as well. It’d be nice to build a buffer again.

Still have some knitting to finish — and fast — but I’m trying to limit my knitting to during the Phillies games, since I won’t be drawing comics during that timeframe anyway.

Of course, catching up on my sleep and eating healthy and all that play a role in the grand scheme of things too, so I’m starting to do all that again.

News: all JessieDog’s blood work came out normal, so for now we’re going with a diagnosis of “old dog”. I can live with that. Little runt better not wake me at 7 am tomorrow because she’s thirsty and can’t open the bedroom door though.

Speaking of sleep, I’m off to do just that.

Falling into place

So I finally threw out the script that wasn’t working for me in the strip that was supposed to be Tuesday’s, and wrote a new script and started over. I’m currently making good progress on that one, but I’ve also got to put together my comics for the hobby expo on Thursday for work. Anyway, there’s already a slightly-off-topic comic in the queue for Saturday if I don’t get this other one done, and if I do, well, Saturday’s current comic will become a Friday bonus comic and today’s will become Saturday’s and I’ll start panicking for Tuesday all over again. Ah, to rebuild the buffer.

At least I’m getting ideas again.

Tonight, I worked on the comic while listening to the Blank Label Comic Podcast which you’ve probably heard of if you’re a webcomic geek like I am, but for the rest of you, it’s a podcast hosted by two members of Blank Label Comics and features interviews with other webcomic authors and artists once a week. I’m currently way behind – just finished Podcast #8 from October (now I get what all the freakin’ drama was about) but drama flare-ups or no, I think it’s really valuable to get an insight into comic creators and their similarities and differences. So if you too are a webcomic geek you might like it.

Meanwhile, I was in Photoshop training for the past two days and have picked up many a tip plus a big nifty book. I promised myself I’d go to bed by 12:30 this morning because I’m giving blood at work today and I think it’s important not to go to work exhausted when you know you’re going to be literally drained by the end of the day but if I get a second I’ll upload one of the really nifty things I did.

Otherwise, all else is good. Hope you’re the same.

Big wind go whoooOOOoooOoooo

Okay, I realize it’s midnight and I only got a little over four hours of sleep last night, so I’m a little more imagination-prone than I might be otherwise, but I was just outside with supermutt, and, well, you know that big wind in My Neighbor Totoro, when Satsuki is out gathering firewood and (though she can’t see him) Totoro goes flying by?

The exact same thing happened while I was outside. Except all my firewood didn’t go flying up a huge mountain by itself.

(By the way, the one I linked to up there I suspect is the dorky new version that Disney redubbed recently. The original is this one, but it’s no longer available.)

Anyway, I’m still up working and my husband’s asleep and my dog is grumbling her way back to sleep, but I think I’ve only got about an hour to go writing this training and then I get to sleep. Yay for progress!

Just so very January.

Work has picked up again and I’m so beat to death when I leave I just don’t have much energy left to write much. Plus, I should be writing instructions for properly installing Adobe Reader. (I’m not. I’m writing to you instead.)

Life is quiet right now. Plans to go to bed at a reasonable time are failing miserably every night. I have a thousand different comic ideas and no time to write them. Or draw them. Or anything.

I’m about 1/5th of the way through knitting my first scarf. Yes, over my Virginia Beach vacation 2 weeks ago I not only drove to another state and visited with relatives and went whale watching and took 150+ pictures and ate until I was ready to burst, I also learned the very basics of how to knit.

It rocks.

Anywho, I’m tired so I’m not writing much. That and the forum’s been a ghost town. Work is beating most of the rest of you up as well I ponder. (How busy was I today? I didn’t read a single comic until I got home.)

I want baseball back.

It’s time for bed.

Not my idea of fun.

So yesterday, I spent the day sleeping, wishing I was sleeping, or throwing up. Today’s not been so hot either. This is the third time I’ve been ill in January (sinus infection, massive head cold, now stomach flu) and I’ve about had enough. February had better be healthier.

How sick am I, you ask? I’m so sick that I tried to play Final Fantasy X for a few minutes and the graphics made me motion sick. I slept through almost half of each football game yesterday. I can’t drink soda. I’m too sick to be miserable.

I called my doctor’s office and they’re pretty sure it’s a 24-hour bug, which means I should be feeling better soon. If I’m not, they say I can head down to the emergency room and get a shot for nausea.

Bleh. back to sleep.


I tried about a half dozen times tonight to write a post expressing how incredibly weird it is to be home alone overnight. (Nighthawk is at a sleep study. It’s a good thing.) Tonight marks the first night in almost five and a half years that we weren’t in the same building overnight. (There have been nights that one of us was out late, or busy, and didn’t come to bed until almost morning, but never a night that I didn’t go to sleep knowing that he’d be here when I awoke.)

The dog’s been driving me bonkers. She finally stopped looking for him and whining around eleven thirty.

I talked to my cousin on the phone for quite a while. That and the completion of my first game of Civilization IV (I won the space race! whoo!) kept me busy enough not to go absolutely stir-crazy, but still…

Sometimes you take a person for granted when they’re there with you every day. I try to tell him how much I love him every day, and still on days like today I surprise myself by realizing how much he’s a part of my life. I can’t wait for him to come home.