Category Archives: Idiocy Online
Yep, I named one of them.
Bonus Thursday Comic: Netscape Scariness
So since production of the primary plot has been so sporadic and low quality lately, I thought I’d give you a bonus comic. Because, hey, if I’m going to produce sporadic and low-quality work, I should at least do it on a regular basis.
Besides, these little idiocy-comic characters are starting to grow on me. I have to be careful or I might just *gasp* name them!
AOL Comes Through
Just when I thought I wasn’t going to have time for a comic Saturday, AOL posted this gem:
Bad teachers! No doughnut!
These two headlines are courtesy of ideaphile Plantnerd. Jzimbert had a third link that formed the trifecta of bad teaching in the forums, but the article expired before I could capture a screenshot.