Least I Could Do: the Webcomic » Comic Archive » September 27th, 2009 .
Cracks me up.
Things that are useful for work:
Things that are interesting to read:
Things that are just funny:
Now this takes guts. Or a total cluelessness on what exactly the large nose sniffing you is capable of. Or both.
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Warning: not all the content on this site is SFW. But this page generally is.
I don’t remember where I got the link to Passive-Aggressive Notes Dot Com (I think it was a tweet by @bbraithwaite) but OMG, these are going into my daily trawl.
The following ones made me laugh so hard I was crying. Click images if not large enough to read, safety for work not guaranteed:
In other news, my back’s feeling a lot better when I’m not using it for things like exercise… frustrated, because I’d like to get back to Tang Soo Do, but thinking I won’t rush it.
And here’s some caffeinated jerky in case you’re having problems falling asleep while eating regular jerky, I guess. And here are some disturbing Japanese ads with talking foods that spout random trivia in case you’re still falling asleep and want to have some seriously f’d up dreams.
Speaking of which, I need to get the snoring terriers to bed.
Ah, Twitter. You’ve opened up whole new worlds of weird shit on the Internet for me.
First, an update: hurt my back yesterday goofing off with the dogs – same way every other family member seems to do it. Just lucky I guess, or a genetic defect in my back which the whole family seems to share. But I’m gonna go with luck.
As such, haven’t spent a lot of time in front of the computer or drawing – more time spent lying down and groaning. Doc says here’s some stuff to treat it, call back in a week if it’s not better. I have no complaints, it was the answer I was hoping for. But something tells me I’m back out of Tang Soo Do for the week. Dammit.
Meanwhile, dogs who fought a stomach bug all weekend are feeling fine now, which is good because I don’t think I can run the carpet cleaner any more anyway. So things work out for the best I guess.
Now, for some weird shit:
OK, bedtime.
Inquiring minds at work wanted to know.
Science Netlinks has one of about a dozen answers on the web, most of which seem to say this too.