Further Introduction to Peggy Shippen

peggy shippen

Don’t forget to check out The Adventures of Brigadier General John Stark if you like history and such, especially as delivered by statues. Peggy’s great-great-great-great-etc.-yeah-whatever-grandmother’s mentioned quite a bit. Nathaniel Hawthorne, not so much.

typo fixed. thanks, nighthawk.


I tried about a half dozen times tonight to write a post expressing how incredibly weird it is to be home alone overnight. (Nighthawk is at a sleep study. It’s a good thing.) Tonight marks the first night in almost five and a half years that we weren’t in the same building overnight. (There have been nights that one of us was out late, or busy, and didn’t come to bed until almost morning, but never a night that I didn’t go to sleep knowing that he’d be here when I awoke.)

The dog’s been driving me bonkers. She finally stopped looking for him and whining around eleven thirty.

I talked to my cousin on the phone for quite a while. That and the completion of my first game of Civilization IV (I won the space race! whoo!) kept me busy enough not to go absolutely stir-crazy, but still…

Sometimes you take a person for granted when they’re there with you every day. I try to tell him how much I love him every day, and still on days like today I surprise myself by realizing how much he’s a part of my life. I can’t wait for him to come home.

And now, for something slightly different.

peggy shippen

Yes, a new character. No, not altogether my usual style. No, I don’t know how long she’ll be here. But Eric Burns, who “draws” the Adventures of Brigadier General John Stark has been begging for some fan art, and, well, he’s so nice about it I had to help.

After turning his request on its head, of course.

To keep up the fun, we’ll have another Peggy Shippen (comic) strip (sickos) Thursday, and one Saturday as well. I have literally three other comics in the works so I don’t need to drag this series out forever.

Bonus Sketch: Climbing back into the saddle.

You know, I knew it’d be an interesting challenge if I stopped drawing for a solid month, but I didn’t know it’d be this bad.

This took me three hours. And by “this” I mean just the lineart of Cole. The background I stole from a previous comic.

If it weren’t for the fact that I sucked at drawing men in the first place, I’d really be worried.

More training!

Today (and for the rest of the week) I’m in Windows 2003 Server training.


In Windows training.

Yeah, I have trouble believing it too. Especially the part where I take the test and get certified and get one of those weird cards that M$ gives out. Freaky stuff.

Anyway, the good news is that I should be leaving here before the snow hits tonight. The bad news is that a) there haven’t been any slow periods for me to post before now (and this is lunch) and b) I have to be here at 8:30 tomorrow morning. Yuck.