I took the screenshot that this is based on back in February of 2004. It’s been sitting in a bunch of files waiting to be processed.
I took the screenshot that this is based on back in February of 2004. It’s been sitting in a bunch of files waiting to be processed.
Those of you blessedly immune to America Online’s web services may not be aware that they run news services and other portal-page information as soon as you log on. One “feature” of the portal is a slide-show style montage of headlines that flip every three seconds or so. They’re always of the format:
Highly Significant Headline A
– Unrelated Headline B
…which is backwards from the usual headline standard the planet’s journalists use:
Highly Significant Headline A
– Subheadline for related story B
The end result is sometimes pathetic and sometimes funny. Today’s is pathetic.