General update and babble thread

Well, let’s see.

I haven’t gotten any real work done on the comic buffer – it’s not empty, but it can see empty from here.

Instead, I’ve been frantically working on the remodeling project that I started oh, a year and a half ago, because it suddenly occurred to me that if we get snow this year and my mom needs to crash here (I’m much closer to her job than she is) that there’s nowhere for her to sleep except for the seven-year-old sofa that Princess Mutt has kindly “marked” with about every bodily fluid available to her.

In essence, we gutted the master bedroom — pulled out the carpet and put down laminate, repainted (once), put up baseboard and crown moulding, and tore out all of the shelving in the walk-in closet. Now I have to spackle the closet, seal all the moulding with painter’s caulk, and then repaint everything because frankly I did a crappy job the first time — and the closet needs to be painted anyway.

Thus I learned exactly how much painter’s caulk you need to seal a cut on your finger (not a lot) and how much caulk you throw away while caulking your baseboards in place (most of it).

There was something nice to the realization that no matter how crappy a job of caulking and spackeling the walls I do, I can’t do any worse than the morons who did the same to this walk-in closet last. It offset the realization that I really should have done a better job around the door frames when installing the floor, and the realization that no, I do have to caulk the top of the door frame because when I come down from the attic I’m staring right at it and all it’ll do is piss me off otherwise.

I’m in a rush to get done because my folks are coming over on Saturday to help me repaint, and that means I have to have everything ready to paint. Since prepping to paint takes eight times as long as the painting itself, this is a bit of a challenge. I’m praying that the big hole I didn’t get a chance to spackle tonight will still be dry by Saturday if I fill it tomorrow (it’s the size of an electrical box) after work.

It’s nice to work with my hands after working with my brain all day, but it does make me tired.

Anyway, babble away below if the mood strikes you. I’m going to bed before I fall asleep on the stinky sofa.

A question for all you coffee drinkers.

I don’t drink coffee on a regular basis. The 24-ounce cold mint chocolate bombs from Gloria Jean’s, which are as much sugar and chocolate and mint as they are coffee, apparently don’t count.

Here’s the question of the day: If it’s OK to put honey in tea (which I do on a regular basis) why isn’t it OK to put it in coffee?