No, Ma, this isn’t my Christmas list.
Category Archives: Ideas (blog)
I wrote 3500 words tonight, which closed the gap for me quite a bit, but I’m still supposed to be at 20,000 words by the end of Monday. Something tells me that no matter how well the next 5,000 words go, they’re not all going to show up between now and Monday night.
Still, it feels really good when the characters are talking so much!
Progress of a sort
I haven’t gotten jack written today, as is evident by the little calendar thingie I added to the sidebar, but I did fix a major issue with my mail, run a load of laundry, sleep in, and tackle a stack of screenshots of the Internet that I’d been gathering… end result, we’ve got enough comics in the queue to take us through December 1st.
Better late than never, eh?
Tonight I’m going to continue writing, until my sister gets here. Then we’re going to find some form of dinner, and watch Fiddler on the Roof, which somehow both my sister and my husband have managed to not see yet. This is a travesty, and it shall be corrected. After the movie (which is 3 hrs long) I might get some more writing done.
Tomorrow is more writing, the occasional load of laundry, some writing, lunch with some friends, and then writing and maybe a quick food shopping. And writing. And hopefully catching up a bit.
Sometime the words flow too fast.
On the other side of the bridge was the Iron Pig, the best and most famous tavern south of the Knucker. It was overflowing with patrons tonight, wearing their best outfits.
Wait, the tavern was wearing what?
I thought I was writing the intro.
I thought I was just writing the prelude to this story I’ve been working on for the last 20 years… note, that’s the prelude, not the prequel I was working on for this same story three years ago… anyway, it turns out that if this is the prelude the rest of the novel’s going to be freakin’ huge, because I’m already at 10,000 words of prelude. Beautiful.
Anyway, in addition to the prelude that never ends, it appears I’m writing sea shanties. A sample, so you know I’m not just surfin’ the web over here instead of drawing comics ;)
After the second or third time that half the party fell down because one child on a rope tripped and pulled the rest of them down, Tom showed the children how to use their broom handles as makeshift walking sticks. The kids enjoyed the crack of all of the walking sticks hitting the rocks at the same time. They started to get a rhythm to it, and to take their mind off the dark and the cold, Tom started singing one of the sailing shanties he’d picked up down on the docks.
Heads up, lads, the time for fun is past
We’re here to sail the Knucker
on this ship so strong and fast
She’s a right old biddy with a whalebone for a mast
And I’ll tell you that you’ll love it
to the end of days.
Dum deedle deedle doddle deedle deedle die.
A few of the kids giggled, and Quick and some of the older ones that were familiar with the tune joined in on the next verse.
Heads up, lads, it’s the pirate’s life we’re at
With a dragon on our sales
and a deck that’s full o’ cats
Ye best put on yer sea legs or
the warf’s where you’ll be at
And yeh canna love the land
until the end of days
Dum deedle deedle doddle deedle deedle die.
Heads up, lads, the Maggie wants to chat
about our thievin’ ways
and the trade we dabble at
Well, we borrow from the saints
and we borrow from the rats,
And I’ll tell you that you’ll love it
to the end of days.
Dum deedle deedle doddle deedle deedle die.
Heads up, lads, into the wind we tack
We’re gonna sail this lady
’til the sea is inky black
We’ll double ’round the Card’nal’s ships
and then we’ll double back
And I’ll tell you that you’ll love it
to the end of days
Heads up, lads, until the guards we pass
We’ll sail them in a circle
’til they fall upon their ass-
“Tom!” Cass interrupted, “What kind of song are you teaching these children?” Even the youngest of them was singing along to the chorus. Quick grinned.
Tom just smiled and kept singing.
We’ve ladies waitin’ for us
full of fire and of brass
and I’ll tell you that you’ll love it
to the end of days.
“Tom, I’m warning you…” Cass said again. She looked annoyed, but he noted the laugher in her eyes behind the warning in her tone. He held up his hand to signal for the silence, then launched into another verse without missing a beat of the sticks upon the stones.
There was a bold young lass
and her name was Mistress Cass
She never ever smiled
and she never ever laughed
She said it’s time for work, boys
The time for fun is past
But I’ll tell you that I’ll love her
to the end of days.
Cass blushed deep red, and Quick all but fell over laughing. Tom waved his arms again, and everyone joined back in for the chorus.
Heads up, lads, the time for fun is past
We’re here to sail the Knucker
on this ship so strong and fast
She’s a right old biddy with a whalebone for a mast
And I’ll tell you that you’ll love it
to the end of days.
Dum deedle deedle doddle deedle-“
“What the muck is all that racket?” someone in front of them yelled.
Everyone ends eventually.
Nighthawk and I took a half day today to take JessieDog to an oncologist. There, we confirmed what our vet had already suspected; JessDog has lymphoma. Cancer of the lymph nodes.
Were Jessie a young dog, we’d fight for her life with every fiber of our being. But she’s an old dog – graying before we adopted her at the SPCA six years ago, and now well into the aches and pains and problems that happen when you’re old. She’s got cloudy eyes and her hearing’s not all that great. She’s got two molars left and they don’t chew hard stuff so well. She hasn’t been able to jump onto the sofa for years, and lately she’s not even been very comfortable climbing the little sofa steps we bought her.
So when faced with the choice to spend thousands of dollars on chemotherapy treatments that would significantly decrease the quality of the life we were trying to extend and perhaps extend her life by 10 months or a year, or doing everything possible to make her comfortable and happy with the two to three months we have left, we’ve opted to try to make her a happy dog.
Jess isn’t in any pain, though I’m sure that time will come. Outside of the fact that she gets uncomfortable trying to decide where to rest on her chin (seeing as her lymph nodes are the size of large marbles) she doesn’t seem to be aware that anything’s wrong. Both vets have assured us that when things get worse, we’ll know — and we’ll know when it’s time to say goodbye.
Today is not that day, and for that I am thankful.