It’s been that kind of day.

Chance has some kind of stomach bug or something — he’s been off-and-on puking with the runs for about four days, and the particularly emphatic projectile vomiting he did at 2:00 am pretty much sealed his fate for a trip to the vet tonight.

She rehydrated him, put him on a bland diet, and told us to bring in a stool sample as soon as we could. And one for Kaylee too, since whatever it is could be contagious. Whee, stored poop.

As if that wasn’t enough fun, I also let myself get distracted while driving (Chance was attempting to swan dive across the car) and bumped an SUV in front of me at a red light. Since his truck was taller than my car and he had a tow hitch, his truck looked fine, but my car’s all scratched up. Joy.

To top it all off, I pulled out a container of tomato sauce from the freezer and heated it up to go with the tortellini for dinner, only to discover it was beef barbeque, not tomato sauce. And not very good beef barbeque I might add. That didn’t go as well as planned.

I do have video of Kaylee (for those who’ve asked) but I haven’t had time to process it — a lot of it is much longer than necessary, filled with dead air and the like, and the last thing the internet needs is another 7 minute long dog video full of nothing worth watching. Maybe this weekend. But doubtful.

Anyway, suffice it to say not much drawing has been done and I’m exhausted, grouchy, and extremely headachy. The comic won’t be overly late this weekend, but it will probably be lame.

Using comics to express architecture

Scott McCloud worked with the Google Chrome development team to create a comic that explains how Chrome works.

(Chrome is their new web browser. The beta is Windows only at the moment.)

It’s probably one of the best visual presentations of sandboxing, multithreaded applications, and other similar software architecture features I’ve ever seen, and it’s worth your time to read — if not because you’re interested in new web browsers, than because you’re interested in communicating complex ideas simply.

An update on my world

I created two Twitter feeds for the puppies — @chancedog and @kayleedog — so I can express their personalities without clogging this site.

I have a backlog of links I want to link to that I probably won’t get a chance to look at so go google “infinite blood supply” and somewhere in the news you should see an article on stem cells that’s pretty damn cool. I like it because it makes me feel a little less guilty that every time I’ve wanted to do the blood drives at work this year I’ve been coming down with something.

Can’t remember the other big article I’d wanted to post. If you go read the last 7 days of fark headlines you’ll see it somewhere though. Good luck.

Can barely keep my eyes open. Comic is done and all is right with the world. Time to sleep.