Swarms Of Midges Plague New York In Playoff Loss To The Indians
I love baseball.
I love that whacko crap like this can happen in baseball. It’s all part of the game.
I love it.
Swarms Of Midges Plague New York In Playoff Loss To The Indians
I love baseball.
I love that whacko crap like this can happen in baseball. It’s all part of the game.
I love it.
I don’t drink coffee on a regular basis. The 24-ounce cold mint chocolate bombs from Gloria Jean’s, which are as much sugar and chocolate and mint as they are coffee, apparently don’t count.
Here’s the question of the day: If it’s OK to put honey in tea (which I do on a regular basis) why isn’t it OK to put it in coffee?
Nordhaus and Shellenberger: Two Environmentalists Anger Their Brethren from Wired.
Hmm. Interesting. Environmentalists who aren’t trying to tell me that I’m living my life all wrong by living my life, but instead want to make it even better by developing new technology.
Worth watching I think.
This is a really freakin’ long day for me and I’m tired and annoyed. Please stop by and say hi – it’ll cheer me up.
I’ve tried a few times to figure out how to explain how I feel. Here goes:
Multiply that by 1000 and add a sigh of happiness.