Unless I come up with another half dozen ways to recycle this art in the next day or so, this will be the last of the fanart/spoofs of Peggy Shippen. Well, for now anyway. Make sure to check out The Adventures of Brigadier General John Stark anyway.
Tag Archives: comic status
Further Introduction to Peggy Shippen
Don’t forget to check out The Adventures of Brigadier General John Stark if you like history and such, especially as delivered by statues. Peggy’s great-great-great-great-etc.-yeah-whatever-grandmother’s mentioned quite a bit. Nathaniel Hawthorne, not so much.
typo fixed. thanks, nighthawk.
And now, for something slightly different.
Yes, a new character. No, not altogether my usual style. No, I don’t know how long she’ll be here. But Eric Burns, who “draws” the Adventures of Brigadier General John Stark has been begging for some fan art, and, well, he’s so nice about it I had to help.
After turning his request on its head, of course.
To keep up the fun, we’ll have another Peggy Shippen (comic) strip (sickos) Thursday, and one Saturday as well. I have literally three other comics in the works so I don’t need to drag this series out forever.
And welcome to December!
I’m getting back in the swing of things – just put 3 comics in the archive, so we’re starting out well.
December 14th will be our one year anniversary of comics. I might try to come up with something interesting for that.
Now, I need to sleep before December starts out rotten.
All present and accounted for.
Well, by the time you read this it’ll be the beginning of National Novel Writer’s Month. And, as I’m planning to give it a shot this year, I set a goal back in early October to have all of November’s comics up by the beginning of NaNoWriMo, so I could concentrate on writing and not panic over comics.
They’re all done and uploaded. Mission accomplished.
That being said, if anyone has any fan art or comics they’d like to chuck my way to cover the beginning of December, I’m willing to post 2-3 reasonable (I define reasonable) comics or art, with a linkback to your website (assuming you have one) as a tradeoff. Just drop me a message with [GOMH] in the subject line if you’re interested. And heck, if I get more than 2-3 posts, I’ll post the others on off-days so you have something nifty to look at!
Wish me luck and patience and fast-paced ideas on the novel!
Hey, Hooters has planes. Why not Jiffy Pop?
Okay, story time!
Back in late January or early February, my cousin was in a car accident which resulted in the airbag deploying. (She was and is fine.) That event was the inspiration for today’s comic, which I finished drawing by oh, roughly the middle of February.
But I really felt that using a joke like this against my characters required some kind of background — what the hell would’ve happened that would have resulted in an airbag going off? Well, longtime readers know that I hit a deer back in November of ’04, and though the only thing that exploded in my case was the deer’s ass (it shat on my car. the nerve.), a slightly larger deer and a slightly heavier lead foot on my part may have caused an airback deployment… so around June I got enough fragmented pieces of a plan together to actually start this arc… which was somewhat inconvenient considering that I’d started a different arc back in May that still stands unfinished.
We’ll get back to that. I promise. But since it took Marin 140 days of our time to get through just over 12 hours of her time, I think it’s time we give the poor girl a rest.
Besides, I have a Halloween comic to run (a day early, on Monday, at that!), and maybe some Jesus-in-a-box stuff… you know, brain stretch for a bit.
Anyway, this may very well be one of the longest set-up-to-punchline time spans in horrible-amateur comics. Hope you enjoyed it as much as I did.
OMG. Buffer. Really.
Okay, so yes, it’s 4:30 in the morning. And yes, I do know my husband will be getting up for work in less than an hour and I haven’t even gone to bed yet. And I’m well aware of how unhealthy it is to screw with my already chaotic sleeping patterns.
But I just uploaded the comic for October 29th. That means I’m 5 comics ahead since, what? May? June at the latest. I tried to keep a buffer of 10 last spring when I was between classes and this is the first time since graduation in July I’ve come close to (re)building any buffer at all. So despite utter exhaustion, dehydration, and general ugh, I feel damn good right now.
Go me!
I wonder if I can get another one started before Nighthawk gets up….