14 thoughts on “So, what’s new?

  1. transformers came out today! woohoo! (although i still think its wrong that bumblebee is a frakkin camaro…) i actually bought the original animated movie from amazon the other day. and guess what, it came with an iron-on autobots symbol! now i just need to convince my non-geek wife that its ok for a 31 y/o man to wear a t-shirt with the autobots logo…

  2. a) since when has approval from your wife stopped you from geeking out?
    b) whoo hoo? i dunno, i know it was my generation and all but i’m just having trouble getting excited about transformers.

  3. I’ll probably give you guys a call sometime in the next few days to get all the gory details :) Don’t want to baby everybody out here ;)

  4. I found the 8mm films. Why would I have thought my dad got rid of them? Silly geek. Very intrigued by the spool with the label “not cleared by the DA’s office”.
    Turns out it’s somebody’s bachelor party. I think I’m sending the whole box to your father.

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