Happy happy!

Today is a special day for four reasons:

  • I got my new graphics software in the mail.
  • Today’s the first day of my 10-day vacation from work.
  • Today is JessieDog’s x+4 birthday – four years ago today we adopted her from the Chester County SPCA, where she had no tags, no collar, no owner, a bladder infection, and a cold. She’s feeling much better now. :)
  • Today marks the fifth anniversary of the day that Nighthawk and I were married.

The last one is the most beautiful. Five years ago I thought that I could never be as happy as I was that day, but every year that we’ve been together has compounded that happiness into something stronger than it was the year before. I love being Nathaniel Gibson’s wife, and I love him more than I could possibly express in words, let alone in words typed out on a blog.