Tag Archives: cornish game cows
Mmm, fresh beef

Cornish Game Cow: Put Some Beef In Your Basket!

Status update
So incredibly tired. Started Tang Soo Do classes at work today, and the first class kicked my butt. My butt needed kicking. Wow am I exhausted. Wednesday there will be more butt-kicking. Sleep will be my friend.
On the creative end of things, I did finish the first panel of the Night Fugues comic that I started last October. But when the clock struck 11 I decided that I wasn’t going to get the other 3-4 panels done tonight and bailed out to a spare IOI comic I had in the wings. Sorry. We’ll get there. After all, I have to get through at least a chunk of this story or I can’t write about cornish game cows. Those are the rules.
I miss JessieDog. She and I could’ve crashed on the sofa together really easily tonight.
Cornish Game Cow: It’s The Meat You Know!