
From Inflationary Epoch on Wikipedia

It is not known exactly when the inflationary epoch ended, but it is thought to have been between 10 –33 and 10 –32 seconds after the Big Bang.

…Yes, because if it was 10 –33 and a half that would have made all the difference.

This is why I wouldn’t have made it in physics.

The big two-oh

Twenty years ago (give or take a few days) a sixteen-year-old boy invited my sixteen-year-old self to go to a birthday party for his grandfather and cousin. We’d dated a few times before that, but this was the first time we held hands and the first time we were Going Out.

Twenty years later that same boy, now a wonderful man, is taking me out to dinner.

We’ve been together for more than half our lives, more than our entire adult lives, and all but three and a half years of my sister’s life. That’s a damn long time.

Our relationship is more hard work than luck, more stubbornness than providence. Still, I am grateful for the opportunity to be on this man’s arm, living this life, every day.

Pun warning.

The chest freezer currently holds:

  • One 14 lb frozen kosher turkey
  • One frozen whole chicken
  • Two frozen ducks

I officially dub this “The Winter of Our Discount Hen”.

writing writing writing….

Having been awakened on less than six hours’ sleep by overzealous recruiters, our intrepid hero discovered that while she was visiting the necessary one of the dogs had thrown a vomit festival all over the bedroom floor. She tackled that issue with gusto (“gusto” being a foreign word that meant “total disgust and much grumbling at said dogs), suited everyone up for a trip to the surprisingly mild outdoors, dodged UPS Man / dog interactions, greeted the neighbors, and cleaned up all the poops.

Now it was time to battle with her nemesis: the way-behind NaNoWriMo Draft.

Or maybe a shower and a coke and some form of chocolate. Yeah, maybe that first.