I don’t know about you, but since I have electric heat, my bill drops through the floor in late spring and early summer, when it’s between the seasons of “heat” and “air conditioner”. Even so, it’d be nice to lower it just a smidge lower and save that little more money/energy/resources/etc. Putting Energy Hogs in the Home on a Strict Low-Power Diet has me considering ideas….
Huh. Power adapters waste electricity? I gotta start watching out for these things.
Oh heck yeah. Haven’t you ever noticed how warm they are even when you haven’t been using whatever’s plugged into them?
…suddenly the extra five degrees in my brother and I’s room is explained. :o
(Dagnabbit – what’s the grammar for that?!)
I think it’s “my brother and my room”. But don’t hold me to it.
just go anti-grammatical – me and my brother’s room.
so much easier.
Plus, there’s always the “grammar is a social construct” excuse. :)
Edit: Hey, I wonder if the timer resets after I edit. (Nope.)
Wait, what? Formal grammar and written grammar are social constructs, but grammar as a function define the language. After all, if you break the grammar rules built into the language, you change the meaning of the sentence.
That explains the extra 5° in me and my brother’s room. –>
That explains the extra 5° in me and the extra 5° in my brother’s room.
To which I ask, do you often hook your body up to power adaptors and then begin running a fever?