It’s a one-of-a-kind model

I don’t know what he’s complaining about. I’ve had doctors who couldn’t remember my name one week to the next.
Oh, and to anyone who knows him it’s obvious (because, among other reasons, he’d never forget a patient and his history, man’s got a memory like an elephant) but for those who don’t, this guy has nothing in common with Nighthawk’s actual doctor. Same is true of everyone else you’re going to meet in this strip.
I actually got a comic not related to idiocy on the internet into the queue. For tonight. Still, it’s progress!
I have to start rebuilding the queue because November is National Novel Writing Month and, this being an odd-numbered year, I get to participate!
That means I have to have enough comics in the queue to get to the other side of November before November 1st, which, since the queue is empty, poses quite a challenge. But it’s been a while since I checked in with the Cully family and got their lives in order, so I’m going to do my best to stay out of the IOtI queue. And if I’m really lucky, I might have some Life is Odd to post soon — assuming I ever get around to taking some pictures, because my camera’s got to go in the shop.
Now, sleep!
I dunno, I’m exhausted, it’s been a long week, it seemed funny to me.
In what I can only assume is the result of many late night sessions of watching chimps throw darts, the Houston Astros hired former Phillies GM Ed Wade to fill their vacant GM position. Formal apologies to Astros fans everywhere.