It’s been, what? Six or seven months since a redesign? Anyway, hope you like it… I’m not happy with the comic navigation myself, but that’s because I’m fussy fussy fussy.
New features:
- having your browser window too small shouldn’t cause a big empty white space at the top anymore.
- the “links” list (fastest way to get to the forum) won’t spontaneously rearrange itself. the order you see is the order you get.
- it just plain looks nicer than that boxy thing.
- number of items in each category is posted in the category list
- if you click the title of a given category, you can use “first / previous / next / current” links to navigate – this is especially handy for the comics, which are usually navigated that way everywhere else. (note: you’ll get all the comics – there’s no way to do this by subcategory yet… i’m still looking for one though.)
- changed the RSS feed so you have to actually VISIT the site to view the comics. I miss your smiling faces!
- code validates!
So, seeing as my stomach still hurts, sleeping’s going to be an interesting challenge, but i can’t miss work two days straight, so it’s off to bed I go.