I’m partial to Blue Velvet, personally

Had a great idea for a comic earlier this weekend but the time I was going to spend on it got eaten by WordPress updates, plugin updates, and an argument with a server over what version of PHP I was running.
Meanwhile, also got the house cleaned up, the closets cleaned out, lots of errands run, watched the Phillies win and then lose and then win, watched the Eagles fall on their face, threw the squeaky pig and/or the ball for Kaylee ten thousand times, took two walks for a total of 3 miles, and went to see Scott Pilgrim.
Look, if you’ve ever liked comics, comic strips, video games, being 17-23, bad bands, or strangely-choreographed martial-arts-like fighting, and you haven’t seen Scott Pilgrim vs the World get thine ass to the thea-tah before it clears out and you have to wait for video, because it ROCKS.
You also owe it to yourself to read the books. Now. Now now now now now. Look, even Nighthawk liked them. Go go go.
This coming week consists of much insanity as Nighthawk and I prep for our holy-crap-it’s-September-where’d-the-summer-go vacation in Virginia Beach, which commences Saturday. Maybe while I’m lounging by the beach I’ll get off my ass and draw some comics.