Mr. Wizard Studios reports that Mr. Wizard, who I watched constantly as a kid, died at age 90 today. Wow. He introduced generation after generation to science and engineering without ever telling them he was doing it.
Category Archives: One-link-ers
Lawn Ornaments
There’s an article here about the “original” pink flamingo lawn ornament design being brought back from the dead afther the original company ended production a few years ago.
I’m confused, though, because they say the original design was of a plastic flamingo, and I distinctly remember my grandmother having cement pink flamingo lawn ornaments from the 50’s. Those suckers were heavy, and they needed to be repainted every few years, and we finally got rid of them when the cement started to disintegrate and one of the necks half broke off one of them.
So did my family create cement lawn ornaments? (I wouldn’t put it past them.) Or is this original not so original?
Quiz: ‘Star Wars’ name, ballplayer, or Thai food?
Quiz: ‘Star Wars’ name, ballplayer, or Thai food? is a really fun quiz. We got about half of them wrong.
Dead chickens hit Australia homes
And now, our next contestant on Terrier, Or Cow?
My Mac Bretheren! I do believe Cheese Products from Beyond the Grave has located for us a living baby dogcow!
I need one!
No one belongs here more than you.
Now here’s an interesting website design, by the author of No one belongs here more than you, who is obviously trying to sell her book. A camera, a dry erase marker, major appliances, and the ability to make image maps, and bam, she’s got a website. Intriguing.
Of course, if I did it I’d have to use the splashboard behind my sink, and with my luck it wouldn’t erase. I’ll stick to Dreamweaver for now, thanks.
Devil’s Panties
God, he’s hot.