Regardless of which side of the political aisle you sit on, if you’re a fan of The West Wing you’ll enjoy this article.
Category Archives: One-link-ers
Test your color IQ.
FM 100 Hue Test
. I got a 12. I think that’s good.
Bananas and Ham — Two Great Tastes That Taste Great Together on Flickr – Photo Sharing!
Bananas and Ham — Two Great Tastes That Taste Great Together on Flickr – Photo Sharing!.
I deserve bonus points for never ever ever coming up with this idea, or considering cooking it — even though it contains three foods I really like.
How Wall Street quants lied to their computers
Now that some of the vague-but-panicked headlines have started to pass, we’re starting to learn what happened in the trenches to allow the market to go whacky. I’m not a huge math fan, being not-so-great at it, but I appreciate a good analysis, and this is a good analysis of one aspect of the mortgage problem.
I did not do this with my new staple gun, but the temptation was there once I realized that Easyfire really means easyfire.
Websnark: A brief note, referring to a New Englander of note.
A reminder of what a famous poem (or two) really says.
I love Websnark because Eric write this type of post, as much or more than I love his posts on webcomics.
17 questions to help you build a better website
Doc Holds Fourth: Questions to ask for any UX project was posted to one of the information architecture mailing lists I’m on. If more folks thought about these things before even building a website, the web would be a much nicer place to be.