Link dump. Twitter says I have over 1100 favorites, but I can’t find them all, so I’m moving stuff here instead.

Little Wheel
Little Wheel

OK, that’s enough for tonight.

3 thoughts on “Link dump. Twitter says I have over 1100 favorites, but I can’t find them all, so I’m moving stuff here instead.

  1. What direction should your ceiling fan be running for winter? (In the “signs I am getting old” category…)

    That’s actually a non-trivial question – there has been folklore favoring both up-winter/down-summer and down-winter/up-summer. What can be said with certainty is that it should be running in both summer and winter.

    (Personally, I would, in fact, endorse Farrey’s convention, but only because you want the fan blowing on you in the summer and not in the winter.)

  2. The stairs were seriously cool. Almost more important, to me, than the fact that people took the stairs, was the smiles of glee. and the fact that kids and parents were suddenly having one of those unexpected “moments” when the world gets a little magic in it. Awesome.

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