update: this one inspired a mug.
Category Archives: Idiocy Online
And now, for the Garden Report
This one should be entitled “idiocy on the radio” since i found myself yelling at the radio in the car when they read this one.
Catching up on a month of idiocy and weirdness.
Don’t mistake me – a barn fire breaks my heart. It was the sight of a ham at the bottom of the article that just had me shaking my head. I heart the media, or something.
This one is one of four (five, actually but #5 was pretty damn lame, even in comparison to these) idiocy comics that I captured screenshots for during November’s National Novel Writing Month. They’re a good warm-up to get me into the groove again.
I have some pics from Christmas shopping with my kid sister that will likely get interspersed so we don’t get totally idiocy’d out, but these were the faster of the two batches to complete. In fact, between the two we’ve got enough comics to put new ones up on Thursdays, too.
What does Upper Darby know that the rest of us don’t?
This is not chocolate. It’s not even close. Are any of these ingredients even real food?
Breaking News! We don’t have any!
Two things to add:
1) If things get really bad, we’ll always have Japanese television to fall back on.
2) Under the category of “almost news”, this is post #1200 since we moved to WordPress. Go us!