Well, by the time you read this it’ll be the beginning of National Novel Writer’s Month. And, as I’m planning to give it a shot this year, I set a goal back in early October to have all of November’s comics up by the beginning of NaNoWriMo, so I could concentrate on writing and not panic over comics.
They’re all done and uploaded. Mission accomplished.
That being said, if anyone has any fan art or comics they’d like to chuck my way to cover the beginning of December, I’m willing to post 2-3 reasonable (I define reasonable) comics or art, with a linkback to your website (assuming you have one) as a tradeoff. Just drop me a message with [GOMH] in the subject line if you’re interested. And heck, if I get more than 2-3 posts, I’ll post the others on off-days so you have something nifty to look at!
Wish me luck and patience and fast-paced ideas on the novel!