Tag Archives: lila
Happy belated to us!
What with everything else that was going on December 14th, I didn’t even think about the fact that it was our 2-year anniversary of comics. (The blog itself, in its various incarnations, is much older, and in fact predates my marriage.)
These days, two years is a small accomplishment in webcomics, and while 240 comics isn’t even a drop in the bucket for those publishing daily, it’s still an investment I’ve really enjoyed making. (It does qualify the site for Comixpedia, which is how I know I’ve accomplished something, but I remain too lazy to add it.)
I’m slowly building the buffer back up. For the first time in many moons I have a buffer of 4 comics! w00t! And bigger buffers mean better comics because I’m in less of a panic to just get something up, which means fewer screwy drawings.
Then again, taking a look at Lila from the beginning and a more recent look. I have to say we’re improving either way.
Anyway, I just wanted to say thanks for reading, thanks for forum-ing, thanks for being there, and thanks for smiling.
Ah, it’s one of those moments.
Somehow sounds like a sticky solution
Meta humor slash writers block
Yes, that’s the third sketchy theater in three days. It’s been that kind of week. If you can’t do well, at least be prolific in your mediocrity, right? This is better known as the “If you can’t dazzle them with your brilliance, baffle them with your bullshit” approach to art.