Kaylee’s home

Kaylee’s flight went very well and we were all home together by 11:00, which is pretty good time considering the traffic.

She and Chance are rapidly working out their differences. He’s easily the more dominant at the moment, being twice Kaylee’s size, but she doesn’t take a significant amount of crap from him either, so we’ll see who stays on top.

Chance is the one having a rough day. First Kaylee came home and invaded his turf, then he threw up on the lawn a few times. Then we tried to introduce him to one of the yorkies that our neighbor owns and Puddin bit Chance almost as soon as they went nose to nose.

Chance is fine physically. Emotionally I think he’s exhausted. Right now I have him draped across my lap and Kaylee sleeping on the arm of the sofa a few inches away.

I’ll post some better pics of the pack later, but right now I think I’ll just stay here and be mom.

Tomorrow, we become four.

Kaylee will be on a plane to Philadelphia tomorrow morning, and we pick her up at Cargo City around 9:00 am. With any luck, the next post (of any valuable length, anyway) will be replete with puppy pictures.

I’m nervous about this one, much more than with Chance. I’ve never flown a dog anywhere, nor driven one home such a long distance. Kaylee’s breeder doesn’t provide nearly as much communication as Chance’s, so I don’t even really know what my baby looks like. But she’ll be home soon…..