In what I can only assume is the result of many late night sessions of watching chimps throw darts, the Houston Astros hired former Phillies GM Ed Wade to fill their vacant GM position. Formal apologies to Astros fans everywhere.
Category Archives: One-link-ers
I don’t even want to talk about how long it took me to win at Statetris. But I’m willing to bet all of you beat my time.
Home on the Strange: Drinking Games, Part 1
New rule: we do not play this drinking game.
The Simcity Board of Advisors
The Simcity Board of Advisors is a bit old-school but funny :)
Don’t Put Chocolate Milk in Your Pants
Don’t Put Chocolate Milk in Your Pants – a list of 20 things a perfectly sane (at one time) woman never thought she’d say, until she had kids.
Paleo-Future: French Prints Show the Year 2000 (1910)
Paleo-Future: French Prints Show the Year 2000 (1910)
Very, um, interesting. The stress on records and small planes cracks me up.