In other news, my iPhone bluetooth thingie survived the wash, and dried out enough that it works again! Whoo hoo!!
Category Archives: One-link-ers
Howl training
Sorry, just cracks me up. You’ll need sound for this one.
Chez Pazienza: Say What You Will (Requiem for a TV News Career)
This is an interesting article for a number of reasons.
1. It discusses the risks of blogging in your own name and not knowing (or knowing and discounting/not caring) what your day job’s policy on such things is. It’s both a warning and a lesson – and since most of us who read the internet also participate, it’s worth taking note.
2. It discusses CNN’s policies for blogging, and their lipservice to bloggers, and how they really treat the bloggers they (sometimes don’t even know they) have. As for me, I’ll admit I’ve never been a big CNN fan, but this certainly doesn’t help the cause.
3. It discusses how media’s sold out to ratings and shareholders (something I’ve discussed before and stopped delivering actual news unless it’s absolutely necessary.
I hope Mr. Pazienza succeeds in helping to revolutionize the news to actually, y’know, report news again.
NPR: On Air: Cookie Monster
Cookie Monster was on NPR and there’s a video on this page. His voice has changed a bit since I was a kid ;) but he hasn’t changed all that much. Only ate one plate… maybe it was two…. so I guess his diet has improved.
Photos from 1v0
For those of you who like images of decaying urban settings (and I know of at least 3 of you) here’s another set worth your attention.
As for me, pics like this just want me to make these buildings nice and pretty and give them a big hug.
Dead faerie found? You decide!
Looks like it came out of Lady Cottington’s Pressed Fairy Book.
Rental store
Ow, my brain. I think the dumb just sprained it.