Because once you’ve found a home, you should welcome everyone else to it.
Category Archives: One-link-ers
Go Northeast
The vast majority of you are geeky enough to enjoy today’s 365 tomorrows .
SeatGuru Airline Seating Chart
I wish I’d’ve known about SeatGuru the last few times I’ve flown… could’ve gotten a seat with power in Coach!
Earth Hour 2009 – The Big Picture
Click the photos to see each one fade from “on” to Earth Hour.
20 ridiculous complaints made by holidaymakers – Telegraph
Booking your vacation? Please engage your brain before leaving — something these folks clearly forgot to do.
Tough task: Designing a game about your first time
There’s design challenges, and then there’s design challenges. Designing a game about losing your virginity when the design is supposed to be autobiographical, well, ouch. But it definitely stretches the idea of a video game.
The winners? Two women, who had mere days to beat out the competition that had weeks to prepare.
The Fastest Fast Is Here
OK, so most of the Comcast ads are like, hrm, an ad, but The Fastest Fast Is Here is a really really damn funny ad. Nighthawk can’t stop laughing.