…In case you haven’t guessed, I’m catching up on my internet today.
Category Archives: One-link-ers
The Straight Dope on pi
A little late for pi day (yesterday) but still amusing… The Straight Dope: Did a state legislature once pass a law saying pi equals 3?
Acid Tests
If your browser can’t pass at least level 2 of the Acid Tests, maybe it’s time to consider a new browser. Like, ohIdunno, Firefox, or Safari, or hey, I hear the IE 8 beta’s actually finally passing…
Bacon Salt
Mmmmm, vegetarian-safe Kosher bacon-flavored salt.
OK, maybe not mmmmm. But, well, interesting.
Why are lobsters being used in new X-ray technologies?
I love it when a creature is tasty, delicious, and capable of redefining how we use existing technology. Though I think butter sauce will be optional with the x-rays.
Crows are not dumb.
Somehow I’d not mentally put crows on my list of tool-makers before this, but they’re there now.
Sugar Bush Squirrel
OK, I admit, JessieDog had a few sweaters and a few Halloween costumes. The sweaters were legitimately to keep the little runt warm, and the costumes were just ’cause I’m weird. But I’m not nearly as freaky as these folks who dress their squirrel up.