It’s the bonus question at the bottom that really makes this one.
Category Archives: One-link-ers
Teach a Kid to Argue
I bet my parents didn’t even know they were teaching us this.
But they did a good job.
And now I’m reaping the rewards.
Teach your kids how to argue.
Real, Usable, Useful, Omnomable Design
Now that’s a useful pizza box. (Sound required.)
100 interesting designs
100 Amazing Futuristic Design Concepts We Wish Were Real | Webdesigner Depot.
My personal favorite is the lamp you can walk around with.
Sunday’s Sheldon
Sunday’s Sheldon cracks me up. I wonder if they’d have to change the labels for other generations – would Nirvana be a setting based on your age?
The Proper Shape and Stiffness of Moral Strictures
Noticed an interesting post on ideaphile peri-renna’s site… without further ado:
Packbat’s Journal – Mishle Packbat: The Proper Shape and Stiffness of Moral Strictures.
Not seeing any reasons to disagree, that’s for sure.
YouTube – Jack-In-The-Box smoothie ad
Totally cracked us up. Sometimes I think half the reason we buy the MLB baseball package is to see the batshit crazy ads on the other channels.